Invites Applications and Nominations for the“One-Hundred Talents” Project


guangdong_gongxueyuanGuangdong University of Technology is located in Guangzhou, a beautiful city in south China. It is a key multi-disciplinary university of Guangdong Province with a history of over 50 years. Taking the advantage of bordering on Hong Kong and Guangdong’s prosperous economic development, the university’s research ability and competitive power has been dramatically improved. To better implement the university’s Talent Strategy, GDUT starts to set up the “One-Hundred Talents” Project which aims to recruit one hundred talents and 10 innovation teams from overseas within 3-5 years.

We are seeking candidates with a doctorate degree and meet one of the following conditions:

1. Experts or scholars serving as professors or at equivalent positions in foreign universities or research institutes, having experience in presiding over major technology projects; experts or scholars serving as associate professors or at equivalent positions who master key technologies or are urgently needed; young scholars having great potentialities.

 2. Entrepreneurial talents having their own intellectual property rights or master core technologies, having overseas experience of setting up their own business, and are familiar with related areas and international rules; Professionals and technical talents holding senior positions in internationally-renowned companies; The university will work in association with the local enterprises to help fulfill both the talents’ academic and marketable values by facilitating their innovation on campus and entrepreneurship in the “high-tech business incubator” based in the university. The talents can serve in the university as fulltime or part-time staff member, or as a team.

 We offer competitive compensation and benefits to the selected candidates. The maximum annual income and the maximum R&D fee can amount to RMB1000,000 and RMB10,000,000 respectively. The laboratory space will be provided. We also provide the selected candidates a 100M2 temporary apartment, and for those who need to buy an apartment in Guangzhou, the maximum offered housing package can amount to RMB800,000.

Interested and qualified individuals should submit the following documents:

(1) a cover letter and a resume, including personal data、education background、work experience、professional title、achievement;

(2) a statement of future plan for the post and the research interests;

(3) a statement of personal requests to the University. Contact information:

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Notre association a reçu, le 10 décembre, une délégation chinoise de la municipalité de Heyuan du Guangdong. Les deux parties ont discuté des possibilités des coopérations pour favoriser les échanges dans les domaines d’investissement et des ressources humaines, concernant particulièrement l’exploitation des ressources en eau, l’agriculture et de la transformation des produits agricoles.


Chères amies, chers amis,
Je voudrais vous inviter à l’exposition du peintre chinois LIANG Peihao du 12 au 17 juillet à l’occasion de la Fête Internationale de la Culture organisée par Grand Paris Grand Est.
Notamment, le samedi 13, cet Artiste de 84 ans animera à partir du 10h30 une séance d’interaction avec le public. Il livrera ses compréhensions sur la peinture chinoise et peindra les portraits des participants volontaires.
A cette occasion, je présenterai aussi 2 jeux traditionnels chinois : le jeu de Go et le Ma-jong.

La conférence pour Promouvoir la Coopération Économique et Commerciale entre Guangdong, Heyuan et la France
Date : le lundi 03 décembre 2018, de 15h00 à 17h00

Guangdong est depuis 30 ans la première province économique chinoise, représentant environ 30% de l'exportation du pays. C'est aussi un haut lieu d'importation chinoise et de consommation des produits français de luxe. Les multinationales Huawei et Zhongxing symbolisent ses industries modernes et de High-tech, voire ses « agressivités » commerciales envers les marchés occidentaux.