Présentation de Chizhou


Chizhou City is located in the southwestern part of Anhui Province, China, exposed to vast Yangtze River in the north and connected with fantastic Yellow Mountain in the south. It is an important port along southern bank of the Yangtze River and a noted provincial historic-and-cultural city as well as an essential integrant of “ Two Mounts, One Lake”( Mount Huangshan, Mount Jiuhuashan and Taiping Lake) tourist attraction in Anhui Province. With a total area of 8,272 square kilometers and a population of 1.56 million, it now consists of Guichi District, Dongzhi County, Shitai County, Qingyang County and Jiuhuashan Scenic Area. It is the first national demonstration area of ecological economy in China as well as awarded as the outstanding tourist city of China, where the ecological environment is favorable and economy develops in harmony with the population and environment.

Inviting Ecological Environment. Chizhou’s climate is mild and humid. The average temperature of a year is around 16°C, with an annual rainfall of about 1500mm. Owning picturesque views of rivers and mountains, Chizhou has a various terrain, with uplands in the south, and plains assaulted by the Yangtze River in the north. There are two national nature reserves located here, one is Shengjin Lake, with the reputation of “Chinese Crane Lake”, is an important wetland nature reserve in Asia. And the other is Guniujiang, a national wild animals and plants' nature reserve, is considered highly as “Gene Pool of Animals and Plants of East China”. Furthermore, Chizhou holds Jiuhuashan National Forest Park and quite a few provincial nature reserves and scenic spots. Forest coverage rate of the whole city is more than 57.5%.
Distinctly-featured Tourism. Boasting affluent touring resources of mountains, rivers, and caves, Chizhou is an ideal holiday resort that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage. Mount Jiuhuashan is a national mountain resort, one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains, coming into an international Buddhist sacred land. And besides, provincial scenic spots, for instance, Qiupu Fairyland, Dali Mountain, Cave Complex and Grand Canyon as well as humanistic views of Guichi Nuoxi and Xinghuacun Village all differ from one another, and take on a fascinating look. National and provincial nature reserves within the territory of Chizhou City are becoming the new focus of forest traveling, eco-tour and scientific investigation.
Rich and Profound Cultural Heritage. It has been more than 1380 years since the office organizational system of Chizhou was founded in Wude 4th year, Tang Dynasty (621 AD). Throughout history, praises were heaped on Chizhou by poets and refined scholars. With three visits to Mount Jiuhuashan and five to Qiupu River, Li Bai, the greatest poet in Tang Dynasty, created out tens of eternal poems to glorify the splendid landscape of Chizhou. In the later period of Tang Dynasty, another famous poet, DuMu left the well-known “QingMing” poet during his in-service time in Chizhou. Thanks to this poem, Xinghuacun Village in Chizhou acquired an immortal and worldwide fame. Characterized by the feature of Buddhist culture, Mount Jiuhuashan is regarded as “ Lotus Buddha’s Country”. Guichi Nuoxi ( a kind of traditional drama ), dating back to the matriarchal society, now, always enjoys the honour of “ the living fossil of drama”.
Abundant Material and Mineral Resources. Chizhou has been known as “a land of fish and rice in the south of Yangtze River” since the ancient times, abounding in rice, cotton, oil plants, bamboo, wood, tea, silk cocoon, traditional Chinese medicinal materials and other agricultural products. It is an important base of commodity grain, quality cotton, tea, pongee, and fast-growing fertility woods. Special aquaculture and raising livestock begin to take shape too. The wildlife resources are various in styles---over 1300 kinds of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, just for example. More than 40 kinds of mineral deposit have been proved up to bear industrial exploiting value, especially the nonmetallic minerals being of high quality and large reserves such as limestone calcite, dolomite, and quartz sand, etc.
Economy full of Vitality and Potentiality. Chizhou is a young city, and therefore it possesses a promising development in all aspects. Relying on the abundant resources of mineral, touring and ecology, we will make the most of the comparative advantages and new coming advantages. Regarding investment soliciting as the first important task of the economic work, we will optimize the environment, deepen the reform and innovation, and accelerate the development.
Advantaged Location and Convenient Traffic Facilities. Chizhou Harbor is one of the key ports on the main line of the Yangtze River and belongs to the first grades, capable of a 5000 -ton berth all the year round.160-kilometer gold watercourse of the Yangtze River flows through Chizhou, quite close to the Changjiang Delta. Riverine Expressway, Hefei-Huangshan Expressway running through Chizhou City, the main artery of Tongling-Jiujiang Railway from Shanghai to Chongqing are open to traffic. What’s more, Jiuhuashan Travel Airport is being prepared to establish. Chizhou City has already formed a relatively perfect traffic network.

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Notre association a reçu, le 10 décembre, une délégation chinoise de la municipalité de Heyuan du Guangdong. Les deux parties ont discuté des possibilités des coopérations pour favoriser les échanges dans les domaines d’investissement et des ressources humaines, concernant particulièrement l’exploitation des ressources en eau, l’agriculture et de la transformation des produits agricoles.


Chères amies, chers amis,
Je voudrais vous inviter à l’exposition du peintre chinois LIANG Peihao du 12 au 17 juillet à l’occasion de la Fête Internationale de la Culture organisée par Grand Paris Grand Est.
Notamment, le samedi 13, cet Artiste de 84 ans animera à partir du 10h30 une séance d’interaction avec le public. Il livrera ses compréhensions sur la peinture chinoise et peindra les portraits des participants volontaires.
A cette occasion, je présenterai aussi 2 jeux traditionnels chinois : le jeu de Go et le Ma-jong.

La conférence pour Promouvoir la Coopération Économique et Commerciale entre Guangdong, Heyuan et la France
Date : le lundi 03 décembre 2018, de 15h00 à 17h00

Guangdong est depuis 30 ans la première province économique chinoise, représentant environ 30% de l'exportation du pays. C'est aussi un haut lieu d'importation chinoise et de consommation des produits français de luxe. Les multinationales Huawei et Zhongxing symbolisent ses industries modernes et de High-tech, voire ses « agressivités » commerciales envers les marchés occidentaux.